The WT put those tablets in the hands of the followers and now it's the Electronic Sword against the Silver Sword. Both are two edged.
days of future passed
JoinedPosts by days of future passed
Hitting the fan: CD epidemic at my Hall
by neat blue dog inyesterday my congregation met for field service and the elder taking the lead did something not so smart: he brought up the child abuse situation and the recent news articles hitting local news across the country.
he said 'you can see that the persecution is really coming' and that we should be ready if someone complains about it at the door.
(funny how it's persecution when it's us and righteous judgment when it happens to the other churches.
What’s your favourite memory?
by Theonlyoneleft inhi guys and girlies, .
since i’ve joined a fortnight ago or so, i have reading all sort of posts, some recent and some really old!
🙂 i’m really enjoying all of your stories and contributions.
days of future passed
I would have to say, just being with my grandma. She was the nicest person in the world and had my sense of humor. She had gotten polio as a young adult and so had to use a crutch on one side to get around on. I helped in the garden and got to spend at least 2 weeks in the summer at her house. When I was older, she told me that one summer she had asked me to plant pole beans. So I wanted my grandma to have a lot because she liked them so much and planted too many in the row. She saw this and asked for me to take some out. "Oh no grandma, I can't" I said "They're alive!" So she didn't say anything and waited until I was taking a nap and took some out.
I miss her so much.
Will directing people to actually prove counter productive?
by eyeslice2 inthere was a time when the society was very skeptical about the internet and the so-called lies and apostate information that was out there.
it sort of was something to be avoided.
over the past ten years, however, it seems they have taken to it with a passion.
days of future passed
That could very well be true. But the other purpose of having people go to the internet, is to protect the witnesses at the door from having to think about an answer. Just present and run. No entanglements that may cause doubts or concerns.
What happens after the End from teachings of Main stream Churches and teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses
by Alex Williams inmatthew 24:14 new international version (niv).
14 and this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.. only one teaching will lead to salvation and the other one will lead to death forever.
both teachings will be from verses in nwt and mainstream translation of christendom to compare both,before starting the reason both translations is the translators in many cases slanted the text to support the believe of that time,for example :.
days of future passed
Just googling "the best Translated Bible" comes up with many blogs, recommendations etc. On the few that I looked, none had the JW bible.
Are you saying you believe that the JW's have the Truth? I can't tell by your post. You seem to say they do, but then highlight something they've got no answer for.
Anyway, they used to have a very thick green bible. It had a reference for almost every thought or subject. Then the next bible was very slim in comparison because it had less cross references. I don't have my old burgundy bible out but it had a fairly big amount of references. Compare it to the "silver sword" and you will find that there is even less. Less is more I guess in the thinking of the GB. No more pesky time wasters of looking into cross references that might illuminate some flaws in their doctrines.
Who has it right? Anyone who is making money because religion is a good business. Their right is right with their believers and that is all that matters.
More fear-mongering in Nov. 2019 WT
by neat blue dog infirst of all, there's a new imaginary picture of jws during the great tribulation:.
then there's a picture of a jw family refusing to listen to "apostate lies" via pre-programed, self imposed information control:.
the description says:.
days of future passed
Let's see - JW's hid in a back room before the
stormtroopers broke in. Then they huddled in a basement. Others stood around in a field waiting for God. Now they are in the attic. Still trying to find the perfect place to hide? Soon it will be in a bathroom at the courthouse when they get hauled in for hiding predators.The WT wants to make sure that they don't feel safe anywhere. Imagine what effect this has on children.
The TV censorship on Apostate programs, may well spill over into regular watching too. Some JW's will be super strict about any TV. Others will shrug their shoulders and watch every regular show. Maybe the WT hopes to cut down how much children watch of regular tv and direct them to only watch WT shows.
hey i'm new here
by damienexists inheyo, my name is damien, i'm a trans teenager, and i'm a non practicing jehovah's witness, or deist.
i came here to find other people like me and also to ask if i can be a practicing jehovah's witness and be trans?
or would i have to say i'm cis and hope they believe me?.
days of future passed
Stan livedeath - from what I know about it is that, God exists but doesn't communicate or interact with humans. Some notable people were deists. Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams and more.
The Utterly most appalling terrible JW music video you will ever see
by Diogenesister far to date.
you've been warned....
days of future passed
Whenever I see something like this or assembly footage, I just have a flashback about the dresses/skirts everyone had to wear.
To have fun, they have to have it "kingdom" themed.
Weird Jehovah’s Witnesses
by minimus inis it my imagination or are most witnesses weird, odd, and “different “?
it seems every congregation has a couple of weirdo elders, pioneers and ministerial servants.
and then you see those witnesses who attend meetings but most people seldom associate with them because... they are eccentric..
days of future passed
From growing up in the Jw land, I have seen a full gamut of people. From intellectual and capable ones, to the "something happened to them" ones. Yes, some need mental/emotional help and then there are the users and manipulators who zero in on the weak. Much like the world in general but in a concentrated way.
JW land is a fish bowl you must swim around in - with encouragement to forgive all for any abuse or weirdness. So it means that if you are "christian" and you follow that advice by forgiving without any sincere "I'm sorry for what I did" from the person, you are just okaying their abuse. And so the abusers never have to change because they are being excused by the nice people. The weird, broken ones are granted automatic "love" that the regulars have to put up with to be christians. And I don't mean that people are wrong being kind to such ones, but JW land forces you to remain in constant contact with them and most will not be seeing counselors or doctors to help them.
In real life, you pick and choose people that you like, but in JW land, that is not an option - at least not at the hall and out in service.
Bizarre image that puzzles me -- any tips?
by FatFreek 2005 ini am a sometimes weather buff and enjoy the various services our national weather service provides.. interestingly, a few days ago (7/26/19 at 6:20 a.m. to be exact) i was looking at our arkansas statewide weather radar image during breakfast.
on that image, something appeared bizarre so i decided to do a screen capture on my samsung tablet.. today, i am still puzzled so i decided to share it with others in the hope that someone may offer solutions to the puzzle.
just below, is that captured (and unretouched) image.
days of future passed
It might depend on how sensitive their radar is or whatever. It could just be a slight difference that makes it a hole or a misty cloud. I at first, couldn't figure out what the bizarreness was about.
There is another effect that I happened to witness myself. And strangely enough, it was after watching a program on it. It's where clouds with enough moisture in them, and the temperatures are cold, freeze in the middle of a formation. Then you see what looks like the middle dropping out of the layer of clouds and it "rains" frozen clouds. It leaves a hole in the middle. I've only seen it once.
Who's Worse, Watchtower or the Mafia?
by APieceOfShitNamedTate in
"and along with making us seem legit comes cash...tons of it.
i mean, what do you think we're doing planning all of these conventions?
days of future passed
At least people believe the Mafia are criminals.